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Download PDFSC504 is a 2-wire differential pressure transmitter housed in an IP65 enclosure made of ABS plastic. By deploying pressure tubes into two different areas, SC504 measures, displays and transmits the difference in pressure between those areas. This transmitter is widely used in pharmaceutical facilities that must maintain a pressure gradient to prevent cross-contamination of the various materials within its rooms. In a typical pharmaceutical BMS (building monitoring system), SC504 is installed on the service floor above two rooms with pressure ports in each room’s ceiling. Via a 4-20 mA signal, Radix often pairs SC504 with our proprietary Clean Room Display to indicate differential pressure for operators inside the rooms. The transmitter has its own 4-digit LCD display and is easily configured via a dipswitch or PC to indicate differential pressure in a wide range of units - Pa (pascals), mmWC, mbar, inWG, inHg, PSI, mmHg. SC504’s microcontroller technology linearizes the input which makes control more effective. If programmed by a computer, you will require a PC configurator, PCC82 by Radix. A push button on the unit allows easy auto-zero adjustment.
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