Rate Indicators

Our reliable rate-indicators are ideally suited for applications involving the measurement of motor speeds, shaft speeds and the like. Receiving input from a wide range of sources such as proximity switches, photoelectric switches, voltage pulses, limit switches and electromagnetic pickups amongst others, these rate-indicators are also easy to program on the shop floor, highly accurate and retransmit isolated outputs.

Product Model No Display digits Retransmission output Non volatile memory Size Input Setpoints Supply
Rate Indicator RCT206 6+6 1 No 48 x 96 x 100 Electromagnetic Pick-up, Limit switch, Proximity switch, Voltage pulses 2 85 - 265 VA or 24 VDC
Rate Indicator RCT202 4 None No 48 x 96 x 100 Electromagnetic Pick-up, Limit switch, Proximity switch, Voltage pulses None 85 - 265 VA or 24 VDC
Rate Indicator RCT203 6 None Yes 48 x 96 x 100 Electromagnetic Pick-up, Limit switch, Proximity switch, Voltage pulses None 85 - 265 VA or 24 VDC

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